Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Plugin Registration Tool : Not working properly

I believe you may use following options to download the Plugin Registration Tool.
  1. Download the Dynamics 365 SDK Tool Set as a single Zip file from https://xrm.tools/SDK
  2. Download using PowerShell
  3. Download using nuget package manager or nuget package manager console
  4. Install tools via npm
  5. Use the plugin registration tool in XRM toolbox.
If you download the Zip file and use it, sometimes you may experience that the popups are not working when you try to preform the operations(Register/Unregister/Update plugins, Debug, etc.).
But the most confusing thing is the plugin registration tool is connecting and you can preform other operations as usual.

As well as you may have experienced an issue with the plugin registration tool in XRM toolbox. Sometimes it gives the message that the dll is updated even though it is not actually updated the dll in CRM. 

So my recommendation is to use other options without downloading the zip file or using the plugin registration tool in XRM toolbox. When the plugin registration tool is download using other three options(2,3,4), it works properly.